Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Wearable Technology: A Training Tool

Despite the face-to-face approach usually adopted by personal trainers, as social distancing and business restrictions continue to impact areas of Australia the industry is looking for ways to adapt. While online or virtual personal trainers have been around for some time, those who usually run ‘in person’ sessions need to seek alternative ways to engage with their clients and accurately track their progress without being able to see it for themselves.


Wearable fitness technology is booming, with personal tracking devices become more and more popular among consumers and being integrated into a wide range of devices. From the classics such a Fitbit, through to more versatile devices such as the Apple Watch, and even Garmin’s wide selection of interconnecting products – there is something out there for everyone.


Such devices monitor all the key metrics needed to evaluate workout performance including heartrate, calories burned, distance covered, pace and much more. Some products even allow clients to take body measurements like fat percentage and muscle mass, meaning they can get a meaningful idea of how their workouts are transforming their body.


So, with all of this data easily accessible, how can personal trainers’ benefit? Well, with some trainer’s not being able to see their clients face-to-face, connecting with their smart devices is a great way to get a holistic picture of how their training regime is going.


With many devices providing live data, trainers can provide real-time feedback over voice or video calls as their clients complete the program. If you have provided your clients with a program to complete in their own time, you can look back at how they handled each workout and adapt future workouts accordingly.


If you are a group trainer, wearable fitness technology is a great way to keep your community connected and engaged. Not only can you see the performance of each individual during group classes, but the sharing of performance data among participants is a great motivator. A little friendly competition can help client’s bond and encourage them to go the extra mile to keep up with their classmates.


In fact, simply wearing a fitness tracker can encourage people to be more physically active. The ability to track live results and the desire to meet daily targets is motivation within itself. Trainers can set unique targets based on each client’s fitness goals, this helps them keep on track without going overboard.


Integrating wearable technology into your personal training methods is a great way to stay connected even if you can’t meet with clients face-to-face, and ensure that your program is delivering the best results based on individual needs and fitness levels.

This post called Wearable Technology: A Training Tool was first seen on

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